Ashley Tomasino

San Diego, CA

Ashley Tomasino

San Diego, CA

Ashley is a Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master and Founder of multiple companies throughout the US. As a Chicagoan, Ashley was born and raised to work hard and through her desire to go deeper in spiritual practices beyond what the books provide, she decided to learn from Edgar Cayce as the blueprint of her work and from there, medical school.

She addresses issues with authenticity, grace and ease. She works with both Traditional, Modern, Eastern and Western Medicine to provide an array of healing modalities necessary for deep spiritual transformation. Her specialty includes treating PTSD.

Originally a student of Kinesiology, Chiropractic and then Acupuncture, Ashley also dabbles in Shamanic work as the emphasis of her studies and practice in everyday life.

She is the author of Leap for Peace, a book about the miracles of her salvation during times of deep depression.

She is the Founder and CEO of Acualliance International Foundation, whose mission is to contract Acupuncturists, soccer coaches, yoga instructors and various healers to South America to empower children and families through their depression and pain, teaching skills in sports using soccer training as a means to healing as well as Acupuncture to treat various ills.

She is the Founder of Zang Fu Reiki, a form of Reiki designed to treat Chinese Medical imbalances using the Zang Fu system of energetic exchange.

She is the Co-Founder of Awaken Therapeutics, a company formed to treat the Chicagoland area using Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Massage and Metaphysical energywork.

She is the Founder of Awaken With Ashley, a small company that works primarily in Hillcrest, San Diego to treat patients with PTSD using Shamanic work.

For fun, Ashley plays a variety of sports, reads, hikes tall beautiful mountains, plays instruments, explores creativity, dives into the depths of the mind with plant medicine, and drives her favorite car, 'Sasha' -the Coug'

  • Work
    • Acualliance International Foundation
  • Education
    • National University of Health Sciences
    • Northern Illinois University
    • Emperors College of Oriental Medicine
    • Pacific College of Oriental Medicine