Ash Semien


Ash Semien


Application Systems Administrator at Rice University responsible for the web operations infrastructure.

Former Lead User Experience Architect on the HydroShare development team via the Renaissance Computing Institute at UNC Chapel Hill.

Researcher, Chief Strategist & Founder at Greyseason Research and currently actively researching an open platform for ingestible, implantable & wearable biosensors as well as cloud analytics services for personalized medical diagnostics & monitoring. I aspire to liberate health care just as the Internet liberated knowledge.

An avid biohacker & quantified self advocate; I consume lots of bulletproof coffee & water, sleep 4-5 hours a day & enjoy Tabata intervals as my go-to Crossfit WOD.

Former musician, KPFT Pacifica radio volunteer / DJ / personality, co-founder of MusicHeals Foundation, developer at psychometrics firm Birkman International, & senior developer at The Planet / SoftLayer / IBM among a laundry list of past engagements.

Member of the FBI Infragard Houston Chapter, associate member of the Ken Kennedy Institute for Information Technology & Machine Intelligence Research Institute.

  • Work
    • Rice University