Asmaya Malihayati

i'm a 20 years old, younger, passionate , lovable , and a dreamer. love to sing, write anything, easy to mesmerized by any pinky-stuff and all in this, love to gathering with all friends, besties, and lover :*

i'm a system analyst wanna-be , a mom to-be with my huge dream for my future . you'll can see my blog to see what's on my head on here :)

i am a fragile anytime , but also can being a tough at once. how ? because i believe that life must be balanced . your body have a balanced side , and so your life ..

you also can see how i love to gather anytime with all my friends even in a virtual word on my facebook . oups , if you're not one of my friend list, just click the add as friend button , message me , and you will be my friends asap :)

oyaa , you can also follow me on twitter! just click a bord button under this page , and follow :)
another quetion or quotation ? just email me :*

love , ME !