aura 2000

Artist and Designer in Florida

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I'm a spiritual being, having a human experience ;-)

...and as the Native elders say: "Everyone has a song to sing. This song is the reason we are on this earth". I think being creative is what I enjoy most... I feel the urge to see as much of this beautiful world as I can, and to express my gratitude by sharing it through my artwork. I was always creative and used to express myself through various kinds of art ... in the past, I painted and sculpted, did classical ballet and jazzdance, played keyboards and bass guitar in a band. Now I'm a hobby photographer and digital artist. My photos often serve as basics or ingredients for the designs I create in Photoshop. My main subjects are Spirituality, Cats, and my favorite places Maui / Hawaii, Costa Rica and the Florida Keys, but anything else, as well, that the Muse comes up with