Austin Graham

I'm 6'8", I wear size 15 shoes, and yes I like to play basketball but not enough to do it in college.

Now that the usual questions are out of the way...I love computers and web design. I recently started Wesner & Graham Web Design Inc, a web design corporation, with a friend of mine because I enjoy challenges and I have always been a visionary.

On the other hand though, I love nature and the outdoors. I love hiking, camping, and I enjoy learning the lessons the earth can teach me. Because of this I have set off on a life-long journey of trying to live as "green" as possible. I feel that I receive so much from the earth and I want to return the favor by reducing my carbon footprint and by giving back to the earth.

As for my personal life, I have spent the past year living with my beautiful girlfriend, who is the love of my life, and her wonderful son. We are planning on getting married and adding to the family as well as finding a home where we can grow old and raise our kids. I look forward to sharing my love of the outdoors with our kids and helping the future generations heal our planet.