Andrew Wilner, MD

Manila, Philippines

Andrew Wilner, MD

Manila, Philippines

The irrepressible, peripatetic Dr. Andrew Wilner is a one-of-a-kind journalist-neurologist who keeps a keen eye on neurological progress from perches in Fall River, Massachusetts and the Philippines. Dividing his time between reporting, medical writing, clinical practice, work as a medical missionary, and travel to medical meetings (as well as the occasional dive, mountain climb, or helicopter ride). Dr. Wilner's life is a remarkable tapestry. Learn more at

View lectures on epilepsy by Dr. Wilner here.

Dr. Wilner is the author of Epilepsy: 199 Answers, 3rd edition, Epilepsy in Clinical Practice, and a section editor for Atlas of Epilepsies. His latest book, Bullets and Brains, is available on

Dr. Wilner is a PADI Divemaster and hosts a natural history site specializing in underwater creatures from the Philippines.

  • Work
    • Neurohospitalist and medical writer
  • Education
    • Yale College, Brown Medical School, McGill Neurology Residency