Barbara Shumway

Author, Writer, and Travel in Sunriver, Oregon

Barbara Shumway

Author, Writer, and Travel in Sunriver, Oregon

Read my book

I want to thank all of the people that read my books. I currently have 14 of the top selling 20 books in "Women's Erotica" on Smashwords. I FEEL GREAT! I received three awards for professionalism for my books and greatly appreciate each one. My reputation as a skilled writer is very important to me. I work hard to maintain it.

Why do I have this page? I am here to meet new people with new ideas and new philosophies. I seek insight into personalities and desires of others. Why? To make my stories and books increasingly accurate and so they will hit closer to the heart of my readers,

Born in the mid-west I moved to New York. There I was a writer for a couple monthly publications and wrote four novels. Once I was married I moved to Oregon where my husband was employed. I was certified as a SCUBA diver in my twenties, and have been a blue water sailor all my life. Since my husband has been a pilot, five years ago I finally got my "ticket." I am a private pilot not yet certified on instruments. We own a small Cherokee 180 we both fly.

My history: I have an M.A. in Journalism. Married and moved to Oregon where hubby worked. Recieving a golden parachute we retired to the Mountains where he hunts and fishes and I write erotica, a life long fantasy. I have written various genre's, but only for myself. (I always found it arousing especially bondage and D/s.) Recently I have explored and researched other various "kinks" and now include them in my books. I have received several significant awards and most books are selling very well at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, IBooks and Smashwords.

BarnesandNoble at:

Smashwords at:

My outdoor activity is hiking and flying. I love travel, live theater and fine dining. To keep healthy I swim, hike the Cascade Mountains and work in my garden. During the winter, we go south to stay out of the snow.

I have made several major changes in my life as I am growing older. I no longer am "overly" concerned about what others think. It no longer influences my decisions. Change is frightening, but without it we can't grow.


  • Work
    • Writer of erotic literature (NOT porn)
  • Education
    • Masters Degree