Zenobia Bailey, MA

Online Business Owner and Coach, Health and Wellness Coach, and Professor in Seattle, Washington

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I love life and learning! On a trip to the Boston area, to vacation with my daughter, I couldn't resist a visit to the Kennedy Library and Museum. It symbolizes my passions for teaching and facilitating learning.

This is an age when more and more individuals are becoming personally and proactively involved in the management of full and healthy lifestyles. I am very proud to be able to showcase nutritional studies, resources, and products that are under-girded by the nation's number 1 natural nutrition company, expanding teaching and learning. This affiliation gives me the assurance and poise needed to confidently assist all who are interested in identifying and achieving healthy lifestyle goals.

In additon to my interests in health and wellness, I am an adjunct associate professor and co-author of two well read books. I often find myself advocating for women, children, and young adults. It is a role that brings me great pleasure. Another is helping others to pursue their entrepreneurial hopes and dreams.

  • Work
    • Home Business Guide
  • Education
    • Case Western Reserve University (Coursera)
    • University of Iowa
    • Howard University