Bill Campbell
Instructional Technologist, Educator, and Associate Director of Technology for Academics in Englewood, New Jersey
Educational technology facilitator, tablet computing user, Ultimate Frisbee coach, and father. As the Associate Director of Technology for Academics at Dwight-Englewood School, I'm interested in and currently focused on K12 teacher professional development and one-to-one computing with iPads, Windows Tablet PCs, and MacBooks. My goal for technology is to improve teaching and learning. I recently taught an 8th-grade Computer Science survey course and have previously taught courses focused on creative problem-solving for 9th-grade and collaborative digital media for 8th-grade. I also enjoy teaching teachers in a learner-centered manner.
My most public, online activity used to be on X-Twitter but not any longer. I have been considering BlueSky or Mastodon but haven't built-up robust networks at either place yet.