Best Selling Author Sandra Shrewsbury
Designer, Mother, and Nurse in Princeton, West Virginia
Outside The Addiction-A Mother’s Story by author Sandra Shrewsbury is a gripping tale of a single mother helplessly watching her seemingly perfect daughter’s astonishing descent into the underworld of drugs, teen pregnancy, and depression. This book is an eye-opener, depicting the struggle between mother and daughter, hope and despair, and pain and relief. It also sheds light on the struggle of all parents who have been smacked in the face by reality’s heavy palm. Shrewsbury’s book is formidable because it illuminates the feelings a mother experiences when she is forced to stop looking at her child through rose-colored glasses.
Shrewsbury’s style is subtle yet powerful as she draws you down the rabbit hole into the lives and relationship of co-dependent characters Susan and Tina. What’s more is that Shrewsbury was not afraid to discuss the topic of co-dependency, which plagues our society in such as disdainful way, that the very one’s who suffer its wrath deny its existence. It is clear that this book candidly illustrates every aspect of the definition of co-dependent relationships.
What’s more, outsiders looking in, fail to realize that drug addition not only distresses the drug user, but also the user’s family. Sandra Shrewsbury’s book of “Outside the Addiction-A Mother’s Story”, as told from the perspective of Susan, the mother of Tina, a pregnant drug addicted teen, is riveting and sincere. In this story, the protagonist deals with not only the pain of defenselessly watching her daughter destroy herself, but the pain of working through her own feelings of denial, anger, depression, and guilt.
Along the journey, Susan learns to cope with her daughter’s addiction and finds the strength within to safeguard her younger children from the rippling effects of drug addiction, as well as, raise her grandchildren in safe and loving environment.
In short, this story is about triumph in the face of adversity, confronting and overcoming demons, and turning hurt into victory. Susan’s story is the story of every mother who has ever lost their child to drug addiction. No matter the circumstances, you find your life in; you will find solace and empathy within this story. I recommend this book to anyone interested in healing the emotional turmoil caused by co-dependency, parental guilt, or addiction of any kind. A definite must read!
Sahpreem A. King | Author & Publisher | WOT Digital Press