If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it.

--Anais Nin

MY WRITING & MEDIA-MAKING: I report on the culture you need to know--people, politics, places, art, books, media, movies, IDEAS. I've written for Rolling Stone, GQ, InStyle, Self, American Way, Premiere, Mirabella, and other print magazines. I'm a columnist at the Huffington Post, and I've written for,, and others online. I started blogging in 2002, and my BETH ARNOLD: LETTER FROM PARIS blog was a great success in Paris. My online commentary has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World Report, The Hotline, Der Spiegel, more, while my phototoon series OBAMARIFIX appeared in BuzzFlash. I'm a podcast- and filmmaker, an early adopter, and a major engager of Social Media. I am a design thinker with SOCIAL and GLOBAL DEXTERITY.

WHAT I WRITE & CREATE: Articles, Essays, Books, Screenplays, Experiences in many forms & on many levels

MY START-UP: Founder and CEO at CherryPic'd. The narrative is always important. You CAN always get what you want with CherryPic'd.

WHO I AM: Story Finder & Teller, Idea Maker & Curator, Strategist, Organizer, Researcher, Planner, Editor, Director & Producer, Listener & Talker, International POV-ist, Style Maker, Traveler, Adventurer, Expat, Nomad, Party Giver & Cook, Yellow Dog Democrat, Arkansas Hill Country Girl, Mother, Reader, Seeker, & Muse

I AM: An EXILE WHO HAS RETURNED after 10 years of living in France, mostly in Paris.

BELIEVER IN: The Narrative, Being Yourself, Authenticity, Integrity, Social Justice

LOVER OF: Creativity, Design, Movies, Books, Music, Dancing, Art, Artists, Animals, waterways and especially the OCEAN

ADDICTED TO: The Internet, The Media, Social Media, Apple, Start-ups, Apps, Gadgets, Tech