Brad McGraneford

I was born Matthew Evans on November 15, 1987 and on May 15, 2011 I changed my name to Brad McGraneford for work purposes and because I wanted a original name is Matthew Evans and Brad McGraneford is more of pseudonym.

Im also a obsessively gamer since I was about 3 years old. I have had a last once console from each generation since the Fourth Generation (the Sega Mega Drive era). My main consoles for each generation has been Sega Mega Drive and Game Boy for fourth Generation, PlayStation and Game Boy Colour for fifth Generation, PlayStation 2 for sixth generation and Xbox 360 for the seven generation. I have also owned during the following generations or after the discontinued of the product; SNES (fourth generation), Dreamcast (sixth generation) and Wii, Nintendo DS Lite and PSP 1000 (Seventh generation). I use a number of gaming services for PC such as Games For Windows and Stream to name a few.

Anyway visit some of my links to see more about me, you can see a full list on my google+ profile or on my official website and feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] anytime you need something or want to talk about my projects. NO SPAM please.