Brandon Olson

Software Engineer and Technician in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Brandon Olson

Software Engineer and Technician in Colorado Springs, Colorado

View my portfolio

Here are aspects of my interface design and voice interactive system I'm working on next:

  • Desktop interface design is contexual: When it wakes me it shows stocks, calendar, weather, news feed, messages. During work or diagnostics it switches to CPU and memory usage, live processes, network devices, etc
  • Integrating interfaces with Leap Motion. Plan to incorporate these interfaces into a holodesk workspace.
  • Automated Man-in-the-Middle defense attacks on unknown devices on network
  • Server uses phone to determine location status to change contextually Server response (i.e. certain alerts or actions only happen when Home/Away.)
  • Tracks health and checks in if ill, changes surroundings and notification settings. Observes sleep, etc data and makes observation when something hits a certain threshold (e.g. haven't slept well for 10 nights due to coffee)
  • Circular-based interface & icons for easy instant visual calculation
  • Work
    • Apple Inc.
  • Education
    • Seattle Pacific University