Briana Campbell

Digital and Social Media Strategist in Brooklyn, New York

Briana Campbell

Digital and Social Media Strategist in Brooklyn, New York

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One of the first questions people, especially advertising and marketing people, ask me is why did I change careers – from the fashion and beauty, working with some amazing boutique brands – to advertising? Fashion and beauty are so glamorous, right?

The simple answer is that I fell in love with social media – and how it was a tool able to connect people, to make lives better, richer, and relationships deeper. And that was a gateway to everything else.

To me, strategy is solving a puzzle. Getting from point A to point B. It's about finding elegant solutions to potentially complex problems. The platforms and verticals may change – be they social, digital or brand – but the approach is the same. Start with the people you want to reach, who are they, what they care about, and their relationship to our brand. Everything comes from that.

I've developed digital, social media, and brand strategies for a diverse array of clients, including Levi's, United Airlines, The Coca-Cola Company, Citi, Nokia, and SunTrust Bank. In 2015 I led the social strategy for the Gold Lion winning Out The Monster campaign from Orexo.

Career goals: A Glass Lion