Brion Salazar

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Brion has been a professional graphic designer, illustrator and web developer for more than 20 years. Since an early age he has had a love for film, books, art, comics and all things geek.His love for nerd culture has proved to be a successful sidebar; first as the co-host of one of the most popular comic book podcasts in history - Around Comics. This eventually led him to promote the Windy City Comicon, a highly successful comic book convention and the first to be held in the city of Chicago in nearly 20 years.

Eventually, his true passion for creating art emerged over the past few years he has cultivated it into various projects including writing, a line of "Geek Badges", digital paintings, typographic illustration and an in-progress webcomic.

When not completely submerged in pop culture, Brion can be found at home with his wife and two children playing sports, watching movies and cooking out.