Craig Brohan

Musician in Tacoma, Washington

Craig Brohan

Musician in Tacoma, Washington

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Why I chose the name "Master Muse" for my company, Master Muse Music (BMI).

To me the 'Master Muse' is that Infinity beyond understanding transcending time and space, having neither beginning nor end.

Whatever your creative passion, all ideas and inspiration come from the One. Some refer to It as God, The Universe, Universal Love, Mother Nature, Mind, Consciousness...the point being that no matter which term is used, all are defining the same Infinity from which I believe all emanates.

Musically speaking I liken it to an old-fashioned pipe organ. The source of the organ's sound is the air being forced through the differing sized pipes, each creating its own unique pitch and sound.

Likewise, the 'Master Muse' is the '"Air" and we on the human plane of existence are the individual "pipes"....each creating our own unique sound and creation in accordance with our calling from Inspiration.....listen for It....and you will hear the call of your personal 'Master Muse'....follow It....cherish It.... Be the avenue of Its expression in this world...the one and only unique You!

With Love,
