Kyle Brumbaugh
Bay Area, CA
I am Professional Educator, with extensive experience in Educational Technology. I have over 25 years of classroom and administration experience.
"There is a big difference between teaching thirty years and teaching one year thirty times."
Part of our mission as educators is to model appropriate behavior for our students. Everything we do within a digital context becomes our "digital footprint." Helping students understand the meaning and importance of their own "digital footprint" is just one small way all teachers can model appropriate behavior for our students. Our students will follow our footprints, therefore we need to make sure that they provide the best model possible.
Over the the past five years, I have been involved in several programs and events which work with students, teachers, administrators and information technology professionals to make technologial tools available and accessible to schools and students.
- Google Teacher Academy
- Google Workshops for Educators
- Google Workshops for Administrators
- MacWorld Expo for Educators
- California League of Schools Technology Conference
- California League of Schools Professional Learning Communities Conference
- Google Migration Summit
- Common Sense Media Trainer
- Leading Edge Certified Trainer
- Sony Educational Ambassador
I am also a member of the Computer Using Educators (CUE) Board of Directors.