Chris Wilson

Douglas IOM

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Hi Everyone

My name is Chris Wlison, and may I welcome to my "about me" Profile page.

You will see that on the top left of the screen there is a somewhat sad looking character. That was me before I discovered the rich joy and complexity of the English language.

Then one day our English teacher told us to say the word Rumbustious.

"Say it out aloud!"she told us" Don't worry about what it means, just say it, feel it, taste it, and savour it; and where ever you go in the future, never let it go!"

Most of the class thought she was potty, but not all of us, and we were the lucky ones. We did as he instructed, and with the word rolling around our senses like a glass of deep rich vintage wine, it stirred up within us an appreciation, love, and passion of the English language that has stayed with us up until this day

Where has it left me know, well I suppose at this time I ought to tell you my life history and qualifications, but my writing is far more important so I won’t keep you long. Born in London, and relocated to the Isle of Man, I live with my lovely wife of 17 years, called Miki, and two black cats called Bubble and Squeak.

As regards qualifications I have very few to speak of, and I have never been to university but life, and a good English teacher, have taught me several critical things

· The joy and richness within the English language
· courage, stubbornness, and flexibility in the face of adversity
· The joy, and at times inconvenience, of an open mind
· nothing is as obvious as it ever seems
· Sadness and happiness seldom walk forth alone
· tolerance, respect and equality
· that there is a story or tale to be told in nearly everything you see, touch or smell, and there are microcosmic worlds all around us whose stories are just waiting to be told

These are the values are the values that form the elements of many of my stories and articles. If you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them, I shall be a very happy man indeed

Finally all my work can be viewed, and commented upon,@ I would love to hear fromyou all and to hear your views

  • Work
    • Senior Retail Shop Assistant
  • Education
    • unimpotant