Michelle Lynne

Interior Design & Decorating in Dallas, Texas

Michelle Lynne

Interior Design & Decorating in Dallas, Texas

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  • Enjoys the peace and quiet of a good book
  • Cooks by color
  • Happy wife, happy life
  • Has been known to eat cake for breakfast
  • Close your eyes…here comes a flash of brilliance!
  • Knows that God has His plan for her and it’s not always the same as hers
  • Changing her mind is called an “epiphany”
  • Admittedly has a slight case of OCD
  • Deeply values authenticity in people
  • Believes everything happens for a reason
  • Loves to play practical jokes
  • Knows that a smile is contagious
  • Finds the bright side in every situation
  • Work
    • Michelle Lynne INTERIORS Group