Caitlin Dundon

Seattle, WA

Caitlin Dundon

Seattle, WA

Known for her trademark handwritten script, mixed media artist Caitlin Dundon was born in Rochester, NY in 1967. After earning a BFA in graphic design from Syracuse University, she moved to Seattle in 1989. She has more than 17 years of experience as a painter and professional calligrapher. Her paintings feature calligraphy in simple, poignant ways with lots of inspirational sentiment. Her work has been published in Somerset Studio and she has been a guest blogger on Somerset Place. She teaches classes on calligraphy and mixed media art. She has taught at the Letters of Joy calligraphy conference in Seattle, Washington and the Art & Soul Mixed Media Retreat in Portland, Oregon. Dundon is also a published children’s book author.

  • Work
    • Owner One Heart Studio, Handwritten Life blog.
  • Education
    • BFA Syracuse University