Carer With Attitude

For 13 years I've been an unpaid around-the-clock carer while trying to earn enough to support a young family singlehanded. I’ve spent those 13 years in a haze of exhaustion and poverty and anxiety, listening to other people telling me how tired, hard-working, ill-paid and hard pressed they are.

So, no, I'm no saint - I'm an irascible, fallible, exhausted human being

And now I'm angry.

Why are 6.4 million UK carers of all ages, and backgrounds working day in, day out - as I do - for love? Why are we valued so much less than those who only work for money?

You tell me.

And when you've finished, please join me to do something about it! Join the Carers (Virtual) Strike and let people know the true cost of care: #Virtualstrike

  • Work
    • writer, illustrator, advocate, carer