Carlo Powe

Small Business Owner, Designer, and Volunteer in Houston, TX, USA

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Hi! Y'know, Carlo is the perfect name for me. It's Italian. And Italians have a name for their rapturous approach to life: fuoco nelle vene, fire in the veins. I have a fire in my veins for just about everything; especially, parties.

A startup is a lot of work. But I'm having the time of my life putting Afford A Luxury Party together. I used my startup as my Skillshare class project that “got me the win” for creating the Best Social Media Marketing Campaign. I won a 1-on-1 meeting with Social Media expert, Gary Vaynerchuk, for his class challenge based on his book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story In a Noisy Social World”. Talking with Gary was pretty awesome. He told me to stay in touch.

I love what I'm doing, although it's demanding. Trust me when I tell you... Nothing about Afford A Luxury Party has come easy. The hardest part for me has been to have patience. But, nothing good usually happens overnight. I'm such a party geek that, typical of me, I'm caught up getting every detail just right. Fortunately, every aspect that it takes to move AALP forward is like what others would call their “guilty pleasure”.

I'm extremely optimistic. Because I've never believed that anything that I've wanted to do is unobtainable. Key words: That I've wanted to do. My background is such that I know first-hand about risk and rejection. I've put myself out there a gazillion times - auditioning for various things as a member of SAG/AFTRA, the union for professional film and television actors.

Everyone in Hollywood knows that show business stakes are high. When you're an actor, everything is pretty much centered around your performance. Producing parties isn't really *that* different; a TV or film production has similar aspects. The similarities lead them both to the same necessary outcome; an excellent experience - executed in a timely manner.

I was fortunate to have a really cool dad who encouraged me, saying “Baby, you can do anything you want.” And he always emphasized, “Don't worry about failing. Just remember, as long as you learn something - failing wasn't in vain.”

My dad passed away, but many days what he said crosses my mind and keeps me inspired. To honor him: I don't complain. I'll go through whatever it takes to keep learning and moving forward, while I'm raising up Afford A Luxury Party.

Thanks for stopping by.

- Carlo
“Stay sharp. Be educated. Get money. Party affordably.”

  • Work
    • Afford A Luxury Party LLC