Caryl McAdoo

Clarksville, Texas

Caryl McAdoo

Clarksville, Texas

I am blessed in every way, walking in the favor of my God. He loves me and has a good plan for my life. I live to praise and worship His Holy name! I'd love to introduce you to my awesome Lord and share my testimony of His faithfulness and sweet mercy.

The beloved daughter of my Creator, the Almighty God of Heaven, I'm married to the love of my life, my high school sweetheart. I believe I know what Mary the mother of Jesus meant when she said, "Blessed am I among women" because God's given me my husband and best friend, Ron - the greatest and wisest man I've ever known. What a blessing to be the recipient of his unconditional love!

I'm a blessed Mama and Grami with dear treasures in my four children, their spouses, and SIXTEEN grandchildren! I get to live out my childhood dreams of being surrounded by horses and animals of several types here in the middle of God's country - Red River Valley in NE TX : beautiful, quiet, and peaceful where the stars at night are BIG and BRIGHT in the kazillions!

With seventeen Christian titles published now--plus some others and a few non-fiction books--I love writing fiction that gives God glory! Currently, I have four series going. The historical Texas Romances, contemporary Red River Romances, The Generations, a Biblical fiction series, and the mid-grade Days of Dread Trilogy. Please read or listen to any of them and let me know what you think!

I love singing and always have a song in my heart - usually one of praise and worship to my most awesome God. Plus He gives me new songs, a gift I love. My heart is to encourage and help people. I pray for opportunities to be a blessing to someone every day. I love my friends.

  • Work
    • Kingdom of the most High God
  • Education
    • MacArthur High School
    • Table of Holy Spirit