Cassandra Jane Brennan

"Cassandra Brennan has been a thorn in my side since September, 2002 when I returned to classroom teaching after a 12 year hiatus in administration. Since then, she has been my student in Computer Design/IT Basics, Computer Applications and three semesters of Programming in Java. Just once I would like her to take something I say at face value. Just once I would like her not to question why we are doing something in a particular way. Just once.

"Lest you mis-read the above, I must say Katt is one of the reasons I'm glad I returned to teaching. She is intelligent. Unline many of her peers, she questions. She looks for alternative solutions to problems. She is able to apply what she as been taught and what she has read to developing these problems. She analyses. She synthesizes. She drives you crazy while she's doing it but you can't argue with the results or with someone who does it as well as Katt.

"Katt takes some getting to know. She does have an attitude. Once you get past it -- by giving as good as you get -- you find a young person who is honest, concerned for others, has a great sense of humor and pretty much knows what she wants. It is said that if you do what you say you're going to do, it isn't bragging. I've never yet heard Katt brag.

"She has my highest recommendation as a student and as a person."

When I look for a good bio, I could think of nothing better than Mr. Andrew's recommendation letter. He sighed a lot when I went for an MBA instead of mechanical engineering, but it was good natured. Even after five years of working experience, it's still one of the nicest things someone has said about me.