Catherine Flournoy

Business Owner in Los Angeles, California

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Welcome to my page, my brief philosophy on life, and what makes me tick. There are many things and experiences I live for... a well lived, beautifully designed, and spontaneous life; great food and even better company; crafty personal projects, the arts, music, and dancing. Helping others thrive and live a dignified life makes everything else more enjoyable. It's why I spend my free time as a volunteer. The way I see it is, I thrive when our planet and others thrive as well. As a business owner, what keeps me motivated is a desire to positively imprint life. It's been fun with learning curves to appreciate, mistakes made, and successes of all sizes to celebrate. What has kept me dedicated to constantly evolving as a person and in my career has been a personal quest of being mindful, being of service, being present, and adding value to every interaction. These are also mantras I strive to exist by each day and apply to my work as best business practices. Authentic and mindful communication is key. Always. Building invaluable relationships in real life and making a positive social impact are what I consider shades of work-life balance. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Work
    • Slow Stir Foods