Catherine Davidson

Catherine Davidson

My English kids always excuse my Californian behaviour by saying: "you're such a poet" and that delights me. Although I've published poetry on and off in my life, I like to think of myself as a poet because of the way it has allowed me to see with wonder. I also like telling stories - about myself and the world around me; I'm not so good at making things up and admire those who can.

When I was in my thirties I published a novel about three generation of Greek women that was based on the myths of my family and the myths of our culture. I liked getting reviewed and it was great to see my title on a table in a book store at the LA Airport (when they had a book store), but my small success also spooked me.

I've had two children and become anonymous again since then, and that suits me. I teach at a small university in London and run a creative writing workshop which is open to all comers at an arts centre near my house in West London. Having struggled with letting my own voice speak for itself, I like helping other people discover and encourage what wants to speak inside them.

I'm the child of a culturally mixed marriage, and the partner in one. Living with more than one perspective has helped me feel respect for all the other people on the planet, everyone struggling, like the poet says.

Now, the important thing to me is that we connect, tell our stories, figure ourselves out quick, quick, quick: before it is too late.