Cecily Walker
Vancouver, BC
Web services librarian, user experience professional, hobbyist photographer, cyclist and technology dilettante. I blog (infrequently), teach classes on user experience, human factors, usability, WordPress, LibGuides, ExpressionEngine, and social media to library & information professionals, manage large-scale websites, and talk about my cat way, way, way too much. Based in Vancouver, Canada.
I've presented at SXSW, the Beyond Hope Library Conference, and at Internet Librarian. I participated in the DPLA Appfest in Chattanooga, TN, and have also participated in local WordPress Wordcamps and ExpressionEngine conferences.
If you're looking for a capable, knowledgeable tech trainer or user experience consultant who can make tech make sense to regular folks, I'm the one you need. I'm also available for speaking engagements at library and other technology related conferences.
(photo by Aki Mimoto)