Celena Gill

Washington, Dc Metro Area

Celena Gill

Washington, Dc Metro Area

I used to be like so many people...I lived a life of complacency. I graduated from college, got a good job, got married, had some kids---and even earned a MA and a JD in the process. Then, I got sick. If anyone tells you that Postpartum Depression is fake, tell them that they have no idea what they are saying. I suffered from PPD for a year after my 4th son and THEN my body had the nerve to develop thyroid disease. I was also still dealing with pain caused by abuse, sexual assault, and bad choices that I had made in the past. I was depressed, unhappy, overweight, and simply STUCK.

So, I had two choices: 1. Continue to live a "DEAD" existence and shuffle through the normal routine of life until I actually died OR 2. Wake up; start taking off the layers of hurt, abuse, shame, and guilt; and strip myself of the mental blocks that prevented me from living a successful life. I had to GET NAKED!

My goal is to help you live a FILTER-FREE LIVE!!! I want to help you get naked and live a life free of the layers that you’ve created to protect yourself from the world.

Check out this truth: When you take off the filters and live an unfiltered and naked life, you can express yourself fully to have success on your job, in your relationships, with your health and well-being, with your money, and with the level of happiness in your life.

I took many turns to get to where I am now. I have been an educator, attorney, entrepreneur, image consultant, a mother, and a wife have allowed me to immerse myself in a variety of social and professional circles. I have a keen ability to determine if someone is faking it or making it---especially since I faked it for years before I took it all off. I am supremely happier, much healthier, and earn a great income walking in God's true purpose for my life. It would have NEVER happened if I didn't begin to peel off the layers of fear that manifested in anger, bitterness, resentment, shame, guilt, and self-hate that ruled my life. I let go, let God, and live freely now without regrets or fear.

Simply put, I want to help you make it! At some point, you have to actually LIVE your life and not just survive your circumstances.

  • Work
    • Celena Gill Lifestyle Consulting
  • Education
    • Master Degree
    • Educational Specialist
    • Juris Doctorate