César Reyes Nájera
Barcelona, Spain
César Reyes Nájera
Barcelona, Spain
César Reyes Nájera. Architect. PhD on Bio-climatic construction systems and materials by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Spain. Co-founder of dpr-barcelona as editor specialized in technology and city issues. Co-author of the book "Sustainable Architecture" which was long-listed for the Riba Book Awards 2008 for Architecture and Construction.
His research started exploring the development and application of low-tech biomaterials for architecture. He is currently focused on urban systems and social dynamics.
Based on bioeconomics and thermodynamics theories, he is interested in how social dynamics can effectively be a catalyst of change; in the transformative power of frictions and conflicts at neighbourhood scale and the potential of dismantling, reusing and up-cycling interventions in architecture and urban practices.
dpr-barcelona An independent publishing company based in Barcelona, focused on architecture and city issues. Showing a clear innovative way to bring the contents to the public. Their projects, both digital and printed, transcend the boundaries of conventional publications, approaching to those which are probably the titles of architecture in the future.
PhD Thesis: Estudio de Compositos de Cal y Fibras de Maíz.
Papers: Academia.edu
César Reyes Nájera. Arquitecto. Doctor en Materiales y Sistemas de Construcción Bio-climática. Co-fundador de dpr-barcelona y editor especializado en tecnología y ciudad. Co-autor del libro "Arquitectura Sostenible" pre-seleccionado por el Riba Book Awards 2008 en la categoría Construcción.