Chad Roffers

Chairman in New York

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Chad Roffers is the Chairman and Managing Director of Concierge Auctions, and he has been a notable thought leader in the luxury real estate market for years. One day, Chad had the idea to sell luxury properties in a totally new way: through auctions! Although auctions had been utilized in some areas of real estate, it had never before been utilized on a wide scale for luxury abodes. Today, working together with Concierge Auctions, Chad is able to help people around the world auction off their luxury properties to the highest bidder.

Although Chad’s groundbreaking idea came about years ago, Chad never lost his sense for innovation. Over the past few years, Concierge Auctions began working toward entering new markets, most notably the untapped market of Chinese bidders. In the past two years, Concierge Auctions has hosted two events aimed toward this niche, and both events were very successful. Moving forward, Chad is hoping to introduce more unique ideas not just to luxury real estate or auctions, but to the real estate world at large.

In fact, Chad not only hopes to influence the market himself, but he also hopes to encourage others to do the same. This passion for change and growth has led him to constantly research new devices and tools that help make real estate more efficient and lucrative. When Chad Roffers finds a new product he really believes in, he posts about it on his real estate technology blog. These companies can range anywhere from real estate development imaging (Zonar) to a subletting service aimed to help landlords continuously rent without gaps (Flip). Although Chad did not think of these ideas, he is excited by them and he hopes that by sharing them, more people will think up innovative ideas to better the industry.

Outside of the world of real estate, Chad enjoys a rich and fulfilling life as a philanthropist. Chad is most notably a part of Key 4 Key/Giveback Homes, which aims to provide housing for people in impoverished nations. Most recently, Chad participated in a home build for a family in Nicaragua. Everyone who was able to work did, yet they still struggled due to the father’s worsening kidney failure. In an effort to help this family recover, Giveback Homes built a new residence for the family, which helped the father begin to regain strength and start to overcome his health issues. Chad wrote about this experience, as well as ways you can give back to the community, on his philanthropy blog.

  • Work
    • Concierge Auctions
  • Education
    • University of Colorado, Boulder
    • Daniels College of Business - University of Denver