Charles Joyner

Charles Joyner

I was born in Charleston, South Carolina into a small family. All my life I have always enjoyed movies and was often amazed at what it took to make them.

While in high school I was involed with the band program. During this time I befriended Anthony Woodle and began making videos. My first video I edited was in late 2006. Unfortunately band was not working out, and left band my Jr year of Highschool. Then I tried out computer service and repair, and networking. However, just like band, this did not work out either. Though my interest in computers has become a hobby, something was missing.

I began college in 2010 with a major in Non-Linear Film Editing and special effects, and expect to graduate in 2014. I am currently a free-lance editor, and have a few projects under my belt. Those can be viewed on my Vimeo page.