Delton Chen

Brisbane, Australia

Global 4C Mitigation (G4CM) is a proposal for a worldwide '4C' digital currency and 'Global 4C' incentive system for mitigating climate change impacts during the 21st century. The G4CM Policy advocates an international monetary protocol for financially rewarding the mitigation and sequestration of greenhouse gases. When endorsed, the G4CM Protocol can be leveraged by governments while avoiding political conflict over finances, and as such it offers a powerful socio-economic system for limiting climate change and protecting bio-diversity. G4CM will be offered to leaders as a policy that mitigates globally and stimulates local economic activity in targeted sectors. A staged approach to implementation is recommended as part of the political pathway. The term ‘4C’ is an abbreviation of ‘Complementary Currencies for Climate Change’ and is culturally iconic given the potential of exceeding 4°C of global warming by 2100 (World Bank, 2012).

  • Work
    • Geo-Hydrologist
  • Education
    • Ph.D. Engineering
    • BE Civil (Hons)