Maureen Chertow Miller

Highland Park, Illinois

Maureen Chertow Miller

Field Experience Specialist at National Louis University. Supporting teacher candidates to secure their field hours through student teaching.

CoSN certified CETL, Google Apps for Education Trainer, Apple Teacher, Certified Apple Learning Coach

Maureen Chertow Miller has been an educator for over 30 years. She started using technology in the classroom when she was student teaching and hasn't looked back. Maureen's eyes are always future-focused, with a vision for using technology to help all students exceed their learning goals.

Maureen recently retired from a career as a technology director. Through her administrative career, Maureen has led initiatives for Google Workplace, MakerSpaces (STEM/STEAM), Chromebooks, Formative Assessment, PLCs, Interactive Whiteboard, and iPads. Maureen's passion for technology and her love of learning are evident to all who know her.

A leader at heart, Maureen has served as the Illinois Digital Educator's Alliance (IDEA, formerly ICE) Conference co-chair, Northern Illinois Computing Educator's (NICE) Governing Board and Secretary of the Illinois Chief Technology Officers (ILCTO).

Maureen was one of the first Illinois educators to receive CoSN's Education Technology Leader Certification and was named the Illinois Digital Educators Alliance (IDEA) “Making IT Happen” award winner.

  • Work
    • The Winnetka Public Schools
  • Education
    • BA in Biology, M. Ed. in Technology in Education, Type 75, CETL