Chris Follows

London, United Kingdom.

Chris Follows, project manager at University of the Arts London (UAL), has been exploring and experimenting with new approaches and models for online open practice, collaboration & innovation since 2007.

Chris completed a year long SCORE fellowship at the Open University UK in 2012 and is the initiator of, a massive open online community for sharing art, design and media practice based learning and teaching, the site is open to anyone to encourage open communities of practice between individuals, groups, and institutions worldwide.

Chris is the (DIAL) Digital Integration into arts learning project manager and has been involved in the other JISC funded projects including the UKOER programmes phases 2 & 3 ALTO & ALTO UK, his work is increasingly attracting national and international recognition.

Chris has won research and project funding from JISC and the Open University, and continues to work on UAL's Open Educational Practice and digital literacies advancements, building on UALs growing reputation as forward thinking university in this newly developing area.

Chris is currently exploring the development of MOOCs and MOOC communities through

Chris has presented nationally and internationally, see:

Arts Practice - Paintings Work in corporate and private collections -

  • Work
    • University of the arts London
  • Education
    • BA Fine Art
    • PG Cert Learning & Teaching