Chris Pergantis

Small Business Owner, Software Engineer, and Project Manager in Macon, GA, USA

Chris Pergantis

Small Business Owner, Software Engineer, and Project Manager in Macon, GA, USA

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I bring my communication skills to the meetings for specification and negotiation. I listen and question, to fully understand needs and desires. When I hear the consensus and I have a better understanding I make suggestions and negotiate a solution.

I have, at least, five “new bosses” (client stakeholder team) with every project. I learn from them and I offer the benefit of my experience. I fully understand and work within the hierarchy in each situation. Considering the position of authority as the risk-taker is critical to any exchange of ideas. My work is to guide and lead within each setting. My purpose is to bring success to everyone at the table.

My use of the term “lead” is never one of ordering or requirements but to open doors and ideas for the best solution. All decisions are limited by the technology but there are ways to amend tech to achieve different functionality. Realizing outside options can bring those new features into focus and into production.

  • Work
    • Accelerated Design Inc
  • Education
    • Georgia Institute of Technology
    • Southern Polytechnical Inst