Chris Bedford

Photographer in San Francisco, California

Chris Bedford

Photographer in San Francisco, California

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Professionally: Content strategist, information architect, designer, developer, and technical author

Elsewhere: Writer, photographer, chef, sommelier, and mixologist of artisanal cocktails

Chris Bedford was brought up in the wilds of Northern California. His parents moved him there from New York when he was three years old, and quickly discovered he was allergic to everything green that grew above sea level. Despite this set back, he still has an appreciation for the art and craft of farming, though he prefers to patronize said art from the distance of urban grocery stores with a well stocked organic produce aisle.

Mr. Bedford has worn many hats related to creating content for technical audiences ranging from software developers to Web site and interactive media publishers. He is most often referred to as an information architect and technical writer, but often segues into content strategy, user advocacy, and Web site and UI design.

As both a technical writer and information developer, he is able to balance exceptional writing skills, technical acumen, marketing requirements, and the ability to extract meaningful information from a variety of sources and translate it into coherent, compelling prose.