Cindy Crosby

natural resources interpretation in Glen Ellyn, Illinois

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I'm the author, compiler or contributor to more than 20 books. "Tallgrass Conversations: In Search of the Prairie Spirit" released in 2019 with co-author Thomas Dean. Previously, "The Tallgrass Prairie: An Introduction" (Northwestern University Press) was published in 2017. Forthcoming book: "Chasing Dragonflies: A Natural, Cultural, and Personal History" is set for 2020 with Northwestern University Press. One of my essays is included in "The Tallgrass Prairie Reader," (University of Iowa Press 2014). As an adult educator, natural areas interpreter, and speaker, I engage people's hearts and minds with the natural world. As a steward supervisor and prairie restoration volunteer I enjoy connecting people with the native landscape of Illinois. In the warmer months, I chase dragonflies on two beautiful tallgrass sites. I have a Master's degree in environmental education and interpretation from UW-SP, and a background in journalism and design. I teach natural history---including tallgrass prairie classes---to adults in the Chicago area. I also blog each week at Tuesdays in the Tallgrass @Wordpress. Learn more through my website:, or follow me on Instagram and Twitter @phrelanzer.

  • Work
    • writer
  • Education
    • University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point