Cindy Giannoulatos-Malnasi

Orlando, FL

My name is Cindy and I can truly say I'm a real life Indiana Jones because of my degrees in Egyptology and Forensic Anthropology. I was extremely lucky that I was able to work in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor/Egypt for my Masters from the University of Basel (Switzerland). I spent an amazing time at the Nile and tried to see as much as I could in my free time. I always loved to take pictures, so I have tons of pictures that I can edit (another spare time activity of mine).

I was born and raised in Switzerland and moved to Orlando, Florida 4 years ago to pursue my second Masters in Forensic Anthropology. I followed my then-boyfriend now-husband to the United States.

I love animals and whenever we see an animal in need, we do whatever we can to help. Four years ago, our friends found a little black kitten on a busy road and we adopted Bones. That was the start for me of becoming a cat person. Later we adopted a sister for Bones and named her Yuki. Half a year after that we found a 5 week old abandoned kitten, named her Chloe and wanted to find her a good home. But we kept her. And half a year after that, I saw a kitten on Facebook and I was determined to find a loving home for her. By now you can guess the end of the story: we also kept Scarlett :)