Clean Name Blueprint

Controlling as much of the top of your search engine results page as possible is vital to protecting and cleaning your name. Bosses, colleagues, friends, and family looking you up will typically only click one of those top sites and rarely feel the desire to click to the next page, or off the first page at all. This phenomenon makes the top SERP spots extremely valuable.

As you move from top to bottom you see an extremely dramatic decrease in the number of people looking at or clicking the results at the bottom of even the first SERP page. Internet users these days are accustomed to not going off the first page of Google because the search engine is such a good organizer. It is usually faster to simply type in another search query rather than click to the second page of search results.

The information people find about you in a Google search is taken very seriously, because most people consider the highest ranked results to be factually correct the majority of the time. In fact, recent surveys have shown that over 80% of hiring mangers will run a job applicant’s name through a search engine before even talking to them. It can be quite surprising what can show up in search results for the name of an individual or business. For one, public records are often prominently displayed in online databases that happen to rank highly in search engines. Public records will post anything from civil suits, to bankruptcies to criminal charges.

To further complicate things, Private databases can harvest your information from the public data bases and post it on their own highly ranked site. This means if you have a DUI, it can appear in Google for everyone to see when they search your name, and possible on 2 or more sites! These days having legal proceedings is more or less a surefire way to blemish an otherwise clean online reputation. If you have had some legal or financial mishaps in your past and it is showing up in your google results for your name remember that all hope is not lost!

At Clean Name Blueprint we will give you the tools you need to know to get clean, professional search results you never thought you could afford. Your search results will be so clean that you will be proud to Google yourself! Visit our main blog at today to learn more.