Coleman Weeks

Estero, Fl.

I am a Florida native from a pioneer clan, writing what I know and what I want to know. Grandmother was a Cherokee, and she amply provided stories of yesteryears and generations gone instilling my need to tell a story or demonstrate a theory, speak in parables, and such.

I published Crackertails" in the spring. It is a story of fictional families, and fictional happenstance during Florida's pioneer years.

I have three inspirational books, two to publish, and one "The End of Humanity" is published and available at BookCountry and most electronic booksellers.

I have a mystery set in the Southwest Florida swamps and Gulf Coast , "Corkscrew Catastrophe".

I have published a charity guide "How Do We Feed The World's Starving?" and it is on Amazon and in website format at it's

We constructed a commmunity in Wordpress which are authors primarily from MARSocial blogging and I list some of those links.

I have Lori, my lovely wife of thirty years, four children, and thirteen granchildren.

  • Work
    • Self publisher
  • Education
    • not much