Colin R. Parsons

Writer in Wales, United Kingdom

Colin R. Parsons

Writer in Wales, United Kingdom

Visit my website

I love writing, and I've written numerous books, plus many short stories. I live in the Rhondda Valley in South Wales UK. I've lived there all of my life. I run school workshops in Britain and overseas with a company called Authors Abroad. My books are filled with excitement, mystery and fast paced plots. Anyone from 8 to 80 can read and enjoy my work. My novels are in paperback-ebook-audio formats. Check them out:

Wizards' Kingdom book 1

The Obelisk of Ashmar book 2

Jarrak's Darkness book 3

The Curious World of Shelley Vendor

The Curious World of Katie Hinge


House of Darke


D.I.S.C. Direct Interface Shadow Control

Death Trap (coming soon)

Ghosted (coming soon)

You can get my books at:

  • Work
    • Novelist