Rebecca Collins


Since moving to London a year ago, the most common question I face when meeting someone new is Why?! Why would anyone give up the dazzling sunshine and ease of life in Sydney to start from scratch 10,588 miles away? (not that anyone has ever quoted that exact figure)

Whilst I try my very best to answer in a different way each time, my response always includes two key words: challenge and opportunity. And generally a witty remark about how my love of London, thankfully, has nothing to do with the weather.

Aside from the simple excitement of being in a new city, my life in Europe gives me the freedom to learn and to build something for myself outside of my comfort-zone. I've discovered a passion for exploring new things, from foreign cities like Santorini, Naples and Copenhagen to foreign (to me) industries like fashion, start-ups and tech city.

I feel that the best way to develop is to challenge myself so I love getting involved in projects and always take the opportunity to connect with people from different walks of life.

  • Work
    • PR and Branding
  • Education
    • Australian National University