khaos control

Keeping Customers Happy While Selling Through Multiple Channels

When an order goes out from the Amazon Marketplace, does that mean that a buyer on eBay is likely to be disappointed? Questions like these are increasingly crucial for retailers and khaos controlothers to answer. Especially given the importance of maintaining strong customer reviews and positive mind share, overlooking these details can be a recipe for disaster.

For the average company today that deals in physical products, in fact, selling through more than one channel is the norm. Many companies, for example, have spent years building up their own e-commerce presences, working hard on search engine optimization, advertising campaigns, and other means of developing a steady stream of visitors.

Even the most successful of these, though, often find that it makes good sense to also take advantage of channels like those offered by Amazon and eBay to third parties. Even if there is often a financial cost associated with using these outlets, they frequently pay off in ways that make the investment a clear winner.

At the same time, that can mean additional complication. Like any cost, this is one that must be accounted for and minimized, lest the difficult work of building up a strong reputation come to nothing. Fortunately, there are some excellent ways of addressing the challenges that such businesses frequently face.

The KHAOS Control software suite, for example, attempts to pave over complications of this sort, helping those responsible for running a business keep everything in order. Instead of needing to import new requests received from a multitude of channels, for example, workers find themselves dealing with a single, simple interface. That makes it much more likely that they will stay on top of a whole range of requests, keeping customers far happier in the end.

Systems like KHAOS Control also make it much easier to handle things on the back end. As is described at, for example, such a system can automatically aggregate and collate inventory-related data points, presenting decision makers with a single, collected picture instead. In addition to ensuring that customers who place orders on one channel will not come away empty-handed because of activity on another, this also gi