Kristin Crowley

New York

All my life people have looked to me to lead. This role comes naturally to me as I have always been a person who is driven by hard work, dedication, and follow through to any project or problem that is presented to me.

Education is not simply something that I stepped into because it was my only option, nor was it my first choice when I considered careers that matched my personality and drive. My experiences leading up to my career path in education were stepping stones as I found myself continually drawn to the chance to make a difference in the lives of kids, inspired by the adults who did the same for me. It was their drive and passion in not what they were doing as much as their desire to lead others to find their own passion and drive that led me to my first taste in the education field as a drama teacher. It has inspired my passion to create an academic community for students who have lost their passion for learning.

My focus in education has and always will be with the students who are the least engaged. To me, these students are the cornerstone of our education and an indication of just how good we are as an educator, institution, and system. In order to affect change it is my belief that change can only come when these students find success. In order to do so these students need to believe that they succeed. To instill such a belief I believe that as a leader I must create such an environment in which this can thrive.

The vision and mission I stay true to is - Children first...always. In abiding by this I find tht I constantly chanllenge myself to think differently. This philosphy has afforded me the oppurtuntity to work with hundreds of students and dedicated professionals over the last 14 years. Presenlty I am an Assistant Principal in the NYC Public School System. A job that I look forward to each and every day.

While many have said to me what I do is nuts, I sum it up with a quite by Steve Jobs - All my life people have looked to me to lead. This role comes naturally to me as I have always been a person who is driven by hard work, dedication, and follow through to any project or problem that is presented to me.

  • Work
    • New York City Department of Education
  • Education
    • Bank Street College of Education