Wanda Virgo

Small Business Owner in Webster, New York

Visit my website

Offering a holistic way to enhance your life by merging the energies of Sacred Geometry with the high vibrational energies of crystals, grids & gem essence's.

Sharing with you all that Mother Earth has inspired me to create. I love creating jewelry pieces with crystals and stones to allow the wonderful vibrations to be with you when you need them. Come visit the website or my Etsy store to see all the wonderful Smudge Fans and Aura Sprays too.

If you are new to working with crystals you can learn about the different stones on my websites blog.

I have created a whole line of "I AM Crystal Medicine Bags" to help you on your journey to well-being. Whether you need emotional, physical or spiritual assistance there is a mojo bag to assist you.

My goal is to help others to live healthier, happier more fulfilling lives. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Until next time, this is Sunscape

Sun. Scape. Ing your day