Cynthia Cohen

Cynthia Cohen has taught microeconomics, macroeconomics, English literature, and English composition at numerous colleges in Texas, New York, and New Jersey. She has also written for various publications and presented papers at conferences across the country. Cynthia Cohen has entered her work in the Village Voice, Contemporary Novelists 2000, and the Encyclopedia of 20th Century American Poetry, among others. Recently, Cohen published a book review in the Library Journal, and she has authored additional book reviews that have appeared in the Education Review and the National Social Sciences Journal. Currently a Ph.D. student in English literature at Binghamton University, The State University of New York, Cynthia Cohen graduated from Yale University in 1990 with a B.A. in history and from the University of London in 1995 with a M.A. in English literature. Cohen is a member of the Modern Language Association and the Modernist Studies Association, the Northeast Modern Language Association, and the South Atlantic Modern Language Association. In November 2011, Cynthia Cohen will present a paper at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association’s annual convention in Atlanta, and in October she will present at the Modernist Studies Association’s annual conference in Buffalo.