D. M. Atwood

Writer in Tucson, Arizona

"I always knew I'd be a writer, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine the strange and extraordinary path that would ultimately lead me to this destination." -D. M. Atwood

Hello and welcome!

I'm D. M. Atwood (Donna), author of paranormal and science fiction books and stories. I also founded ALIEN EXPERIENCERS NETWORK (AEN), a free-to-the-public service organization designed to serve the unique needs of UFO/ET/Paranormal contactees. As an experiencer myself, I'm passionate about connecting with other contactees because I believe it's important for us to share our stories and support one another. In this way, we can learn and grow together as a community.

As for my writing, people often ask how I come up with so many ideas. Honestly, my own paranormal experiences - especially my first encounter with a large luminous sphere and the subsequent spiritual initiation which occurred (a familiar construct in Native American culture) provided me with my earliest material. Strange as it may sound, I've been blessed to have several encounters with unidentified craft, extraterrestrials and spiritual entities. Each and every one of these experiences has expanded my understanding of the nature of reality as well as my creativity and extrasensory perceptions. All of this has served me well in my writing.

I also draw upon my psychology degree, which helps me develop flawed and complex characters. Additionally, for over ten years I owned two nanotechnology start-up companies. This business experience has provided me with a solid foundation for creating my sci-fi's exciting, futuristic technologies.

Lastly, as a trained massage therapist who is sensitive to subtle energy, I'm comfortable exploring some of the more esoteric aspects of the human condition - not only in my books, but also on my website's blog posts, podcasts and videos.

Presently, I reside in the foothills of Tucson, Arizona where, when not writing, I enjoy interacting with other experiencers, hiking, swimming, gourmet cooking, wine collecting and playing the congas!

Please feel free to click the button above to check out my website's blog, podcasts, videos, ALIEN EXPERIENCERS page and books. Most of all, please know my readers and followers mean the world to me, so welcome to the Atwood and Alien Experiencers Network family!

  • Education
    • Argosy University
    • Center for Natural Wellness
Her website is extremely informative & worthy of a follow. If U or Someone U know had any strange experience you can’t explain-She may have some answers for U here: http://dmatwood.com"
@RelaxingInOrbit (Twitter)
D.M. Atwood's ET, UFO and paranormal encounters shine through her work and interactions with the public. Her direct experiences make her an expert in her own right."
Annette C.
Here's someone who's been through something difficult to explain, yet Atwood finds a way to break everything down and connect the dots in a way that's believable, entertaining and easy to understand. "
Robert C.
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