Kallvikintie 28 Helsinki Finland

We have one body, let’s take care of this precious gift, the holy temple of our soul. I was born in Nepal & following my career in hospitality industry, I discovered and studied massage, the art of body . I started practicing massage in 2002. I have studied & trained with many of the finest teachers in Nepal, which has enriched my knowledge & techniques of different methods of massage. My techniques of massage is a fusion of all my experience & training of the past years. Particularly I enjoy doing Thai-Yoga Massage & Classical (Nepali Ayurvedic) Massage. As a part of my Thai-Yoga massage I have also been practicing yoga for over 3 years & I felt that yoga has helped me to enhance my deeper level of massage practice , therefore I sometimes incorporate yoga with massage trying to assist all kinds of people through various techniques for well being. As a masseur I want to promote a life style & a way to get in touch with one's inner core, the true self. As I believe give & take is the law of nature - the more positive energy I give, the more I get it in return myself. This has helped me in making & keeping my body strong, healthy, relaxed & also it has given me mental calmness & clarity. As a masseur I hope I can help others to experience the same. ॐ Namaste

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    • Masseur