Daniel Comas Fernández

I am an innovation enthusiast, I like to realize R&D about the latest technologies and software architectures for then apply all of them to the projects.

As Team Lead I receive the requisites of the projects and I make with the best technology for them, the projects come true.

Actually my duties are:

- be part in the customer specs meetings

- transform the customer specs to technical values

- identify the more complex modules and elaborate flows and diagrams

- research and testing new backend and frontend technologies

- research and develop the project patterns and architectures

- develop the more complex modules

- supervising and stablishing rules for quality code

- securizing applications for avoid intruders

- help the team in their tasks






http://plnkr.co/users/danicomas (Angular, angular.js)

https://codepen.io/danicomas/pens/public (Ionic, React)
