Daniel Hackett
Versatile Practitioner in Reiki, Nahualism, Health in the State of Colorado, The United States of America
As a Nahualism Practitioner, Daniel started learning and using the Toltec tradition of Nahualism healing methods, teacher-to-student, verbal teachings, (for over 1,461 years). Daniel has practiced over seven years worth of trainings and received his Nahuatl name, Olinyocoatl, meaning: "serpiente en movimiento" or the movement of the snake, “movement of energy”. [This has no relations to any biblical messages with that serpent.] Some characteristics [as provided by Xolotl from the Toltec tradition] with the name, Olinyocoatl: Lord of Medicine, Lord of Day, Owl, Jaguar, Duality Reflection, Principle Elements for being Nahuale, Constant change, Tezcatlipoca “smoking mirror” [referenced as obsidian]. This name came from Mother Earth of Mexico City, presented by one of the main keepers of the Mexihcahyotl, Xolotl, to Daniel, in the ancient pre-Hispanic language, Nahuatl. Distance (Remote) or in person sessions are offered. Nahuatl is not a Religion.
As a Reiki Master-Teacher, Daniel creates in the facilitator role with teaching all Usui Reiki levels. Tibetan Reiki is included in the Reiki Master level. [Laying hands has been established with 2.5k-6k plus years of history.] Daniel's first conscious experience with Reiki, was in 2003 in Portland, Maine. Healing comes from within. Most healings occur by moving of trapped energy, (everything is energy, clearing stuck or old experiences) to become whole. This allows a open space to create peace and joy to thrive. Private or Group sessions, (distance (Remote) and in person) are offered along with Reiki classes.
Daniel has used his subtle energetic sensitivities to remove earthbound spirits, lost souls, and cleanse spaces (individuals, animals, homes, buildings, lands). The use of aromatherapy, colors, crystals, Feng Shui, herbs, rocks, incense, smudging and sounds might be used in assistance for balancing. Private and distance (Remote) Spirit Cleanse, Balancing and Releasement sessions are offered.
Daniel spent time with the Global College of Natural Medicine, in the Nutrition Consulting program, to become a Certified Nutritionist.
Fitness is part of Daniel's life, was involved with YogaFit for his training as an Vinyasa Yoga Instructor.
Daniel has MEP Consulting experience, been Ordained, is a Declared Resident. Daniel started as a member with the Pastoral Medical Association [PMA] since 2012 and Certified to assist in Mental Health First Aid.